Solo Changelog
Version 1.1.6 (March 10, 2016)
- Fixed not scrolling bug.
Version 1.1.5 (Feb 23, 2016)
- Replaced deprecated function.
Version 1.1.4 (March 3, 2015)
- Added WPML compatibility.
- Fixed menu bug.
Version 1.1.3 (April 26, 2013)
- Update theme options framework.
- Fixed bug causing skills box and featured image box to not show on project edit screen.
- Removed Twitter widget.
Version 1.1.2 (April 20, 2013)
- Optimized custom post type registration.
- Fixed auto scrolling bug in Chrome.
Version 1.1.1 (Jan 7, 2013)
- Fixed Twitter widget bug.
Version 1.1.0 (May 30, 2012)
- Updated theme options panel.
- Fixed PHP shortcode issue.
- Fixed logo not scrolling to the top when clicked.
- Section classes now use id’s instead of slugs.
- CSS border radius added for IE.
- Added style for input[type=”email”].
- Added missing translation strings.
Version 1.0.6 (May 7, 2012)
- Fixed videos not stopping when projects are closed.
Version 1.0.5 (June 9, 2011)
- Added ability to have multiple portfolio sections.
Version 1.0.2 (May 4, 2011)
- Added revisions support to projects.
- Fixed bug causing project content to be erased during quick edit.
- Improved performance of twitter widget.
Version 1.0.1 (Mar 24, 2011)
- Fixed column shortcode bug.
- Fixed validation issues.
Version 1.0.0 (Mar 7, 2011)
- Initial Release